Commercial reel

Online Ad


A showcase of several audio clips within the context of commercials.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
for too many Children. Traditional education isn't working. We teach something better. The EIB is a rigorous, world renowned programme designed to get more out of Children. Let's just be honest. Having slow WiFi makes life way more difficult than it needs to be. When you want to watch a one minute video and it takes two minutes to load, something's got to change. Fortunately for you, we can bring that change. Sign up for a P two membership today and get access to the fastest speeds in the country. Guaranteed. No more waiting more than watching. If you're looking for a tutor, you're already taking the right step to help your child pass a test or even move up at school. But let me ask you a question. How much of your adulthood is the result of one example? How much of a difference has turning a C to be me to your life for your child? Why not dream bigger? We accelerated complexity with symbols and science, from the Logan astronomy to the Islamic Golden Edge, Bacon and Newton, then the industrial revolutions born from communication, energy and travel innovations. First, the printing press, cold power and steam train second, the telephone, electricity and petrol engine. But most of us are now separated from nature. The natural spirits turned to machines, cost benefit equations, complexity reduced to our five senses.