Commercial Demo, English

Profile photo for Gina Novotny
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This was created while Gina was taking courses at John Burr Voice Dynamics, to show a variety of examples of emotions and topics.

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North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Washington Performing arts society invites you to a love feast here. The legendary Renee Fleming friday night at eight p.m. At the Kennedy center concert hall. As the great depression drags on, jazz comes as close as it ever has to being America's popular music. It has a new name, swing and for millions of young fans, it will be the defining music of their generation. A cancer diagnosis changes everything. It turns someone's world upside down emotionally, physically and ultimately financially, cancer cure can help go to cancer cure dot org only from papa's pesto crust pizza, sweet basil, parsley and garlic baked right into the dough and sprinkled with romano cheese all around the crust. Get a large one topping for just 9 99. Soak up the sun on a white sand beach on Nassau Paradise Island in the Bahamas book a round trip flight and at least four nights and you can say $250 on the package, no matter what business you're in. There's something in the Wall Street Journal just for you, pick up a copy at your newsstand or go to WsJ dot com. Mm hmm.