Video Game Demo

Profile photo for Glenn Bulthuis
Not Yet Rated


My current video game character demo

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I come back with me to the nest. You'll be safer there. I'm not a hatch thing anymore. Do I'm a vulture. Now on to the end we will open fire and I offended the correct his balance. You asked a little art for nearly a third of my hourglass. Your temporal brought ruin upon your own kind. Yet you stand here unwavering very well. Entropy can wait in that cursed place. Robert did expire. Devoured by be so fierce and wild living. Not but a stom full of bars. Uh What? No shoe Rs is supposed to be disgusting. Get off that ship. Negative captain. My overload protocol is the only solution. There gotta be another way. It has been an honor, sir. Lose my spot for kickboxing. Good question, kid. To me. It's more of a hurricane though. My days as a fighter are over, I get a good kick out of training. You easy, Sally. You gotta be ok, girl. Now let me take a look at that bite. I'm sorry, girl. But I have to do this next time. I'll make you the biggest full of. No you've ever seen. All right. All right. It's ok. Hey, it's all right. Easy, easy. I don't care how about pointless titles you can call yourself the hero of Detroit for all I care. Stay away from my sister.