Casual and Friendly - US

Profile photo for Glen Lloyd
Acheivement Badges Superstar
Video Narration


A more relaxed and 'boy next door' vibe, for informative but less serious readings.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
marketing used to be easy year. You could spend a boatload of cash advertising cold calls, trade shows and direct mail and watch the leads pour in. You start with a simple idea. Think, Think more, drink coffee. Stop thinking. Start doing created Love it. More coffee producing. Wow! Love it even more. Now it's time to sell it. Do it again and again. That's good. The Internet is a great place to get all kinds of useful information on stocks you confined stock charts, financial statements and investor presentations from business trips. Do studying abroad to simply impressing your extended family at the dinner table. We understand why you want to learn Spanish. Okay, let's talk about what it means to be on top of technology. Ah, this is a way to difficult. Are the parts any good? Can they support us? What experience do they have? And my the first guinea pig. It's a fact customers love free WiFi, a secret that will make you no longer a best kept secret. Unfortunately, Hans success agitates his competitors. Meet Dave. He's a client just like you meet Shred. He had a long day and almost gave up on his workout, he started to browse locals on Fit match. Even the longest journey starts with a single step. We took that very first step all the way back in 1995.