Sample Read of the first chapter of The Smart Money Woman : BROKE

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Young Adult (18-35)


African (General)


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the smart money women by a research group, Chapter one broke. I can't believe this is happening to me, Zuri panicked as she shook her head and stared at her account balance. It was the middle of the month, and she had a little over 80,000 left in her bank. To be fair, this would seem like lots to some, but our excellence is told a different story. This balance would barely make a dent in the bills she had powered up. She wasn't expecting any new funds to the end of the month. Even then, she wouldn't be able to cover the bills that had just arrived. She stared hopelessly at the papers in front of her, a beer from a mechanic for what she thought where minor repairs had ballooned to 200,000. Her car was now stock at his workshop until she was able to make payment. There was a letter from her landlord pointing out her savage chart bills. For the last three months, 430,000 naira in total were unpaid, and it was threatening to cut her off if payment wasn't made. By the end of the month, she had just visited a gynaecologist for a routine checkup, only to discover that she had fibroids. The procedure Dr Emeka told her she might need would cost 950,000. Hannah H. M. O. Had just written to inform her that her plan did not cover it. Dr. Tamika was the best, and sometimes the best cost a lot. She did the mat, and it didn't add up. She earned 600,000 month after taxes from a job as a senior manager at Richmond. Developments of real estate firm. Until this moment, she had considered herself very lucky. She had a great job that paid well. She lived in an upmarket spot of Lagos and Lucky Phase one in a two bedroom service apartment that overlooked the water. She drove a second hand made CDs M L 500 he was also until the engine started acting up. She could take one or two trips abroad a year to destinations like Dubai, New York or London to Ha. How is the ideal life of a single, uber successful 28 year old African woman? So how could she explain to anyone that she was flat broke she still couldn't understand it herself. She wasn't overly extravagant. Yes, she likes the good life. Well, she wouldn't consider herself one of those people leave and beyond their means. In fact, she hated that term. She could just hear anti Abbas voice in her head scene you young people have nowadays, your eyes are too big. She always wrote her eyes when she heard that the fact is, old people didn't understand. If you worked hard, you deserved to play hard yellow. You only leave once, Abby. As long as you were smart enough to any living and keep money more money. Being poor was not your portion in Jesus' name. Except now, Zuri could see that some savings would have common handy to take care of the financial black home laid out in front of her. She worked hard so she could one day enjoy the lifestyle she had always desired. Leaving comfortably in the best part of town never happened to worry about bills, a designer wardrobe that would rival fashion icon talking Makinwa, shopping trips to Paris and months long summers in the south of front. To her, that was the ideal life. It wasn't like she expected to own a home or thin at this point in her life, that was the responsibility of a future husband. Still, she had no land, no stock portfolio or anything else that had real value to speak off. There were no assets she could sell to keep her head above water. What about my bags? As we thought, she knew there were some excellent pieces in them in there, which he had collected over time Chanel, Alexander, McQueen, Selene and lose returned bags. She didn't even carry anymore shy. How exactly will I sell them? She wasn't sure there was even a market for used designer bags in Lagos. Everyone was too broad, and if she started asking friends and acquaintances to buy from them by them from her, it would certainly be an indication that something was seriously wrong. When the rumours and gossip would start, there had to be another way. Had doorbell rang. Tammy. She was supposed to have lunch with heart, Casper and Campinas. She has seriously been crazy. One of their famous buggers all week, but her new circumstance we're cramping her style. She had to reevaluate her spending, but before she tackled that problem. First shot to figure out how she was going to explain this to Tammy. She wants to open the door to me. Stood there, arms folded across the chest. Zuri forces smell. Hey, babe. Sorry. I completely forgot about our launch plants. Tommy rolled her eyes. Forget care. Trust me, baby. I'm trying to sort out right now is doing my head in. She could say, this is Tommy. We have been best friends for years and spoke freely with each other. Anyone else in Lagos? It was best to keep your mouth shut and pretend everything was great before them. Carry your matter. Well, I'm commenting because I'm starving. Tommy said Zuri stepped back and let her friend head straight to the kitchen. They had met just before they started. Secondary school in Benin City had seen each other through common entrance exams, boy drama, dramatic weight gains and the battle to lose it all. But they were the complete opposite of each other. So it was a wonder their friendship had lasted so long. She was one of those friends you shouldn't attend the patty with. If your intention was to spend time together, especially if you wear the quiet type, she will leave you hanging. It will start with a string of hello darlings, quickly followed by a series of air kisses, with 80% of the guest at the party leading her, leading to her being dragged from one meaningless conversation to the next and ending with leaving her partner stranded. It was never intentional, but he was always annoying. Zuri shook her head ruefully. Tommy was an extra vote, the charismatic social butterfly in their group of friends. People were drawn to her. She had flawless caramel coloured skin, a petite frame and a smile that to stop most men in their drugs. He wasn't her beauty that drew most people to have their. She had sought a genuine spirit, such a given aura about her that people liked her instantly. She was so fiercely loyal, which was probably why their friendship had lasted so long. Zuri actually felt slightly better about the situation, knowing she had someone to confide in and distract her from her money. Rose plus, Tammy always had. Just so it was a welcome distraction. The sound of Tommy slamming the refrigerator door interrupted Juries tots so you don't even have food in this house. Tammy said we mark this day in her voice, you know? Yes. There are no *** money. She really laughed. Tommy rolled her eyes. When I say find your rich boyfriend humans here. Leave me alone, Joe. Zooey said, girl, if you had a man, all this would be story. Tommy smiled. How much is the bill? Not be bills, Zoe said. And they add up to just over a million naira. Tammy's eyes widened. Seriously, Tommy, I don't know how I'm going to get out of this mess. Even if my salary to my account today, I still won't be able to pay them all. Tommy should go ahead, hon. Honestly, you need to get a man. You need someone to support you. All this independence and new woman nonsense you are doing is what to get you in trouble. I've always told you your parents let you stay in Abu Dhabi. Bow to long. Leaving abroad for so long is what has got you thinking like an only woman. This is Nigeria. So you better start behaving like an African woman. Jerry loved Tommy, had a policy never to date married women But the men she did go out with definitely had to be rich in the position to help her gift in her with upper class ticket to whatever destination tickled her fancy rent for a studio and closet full of labels. From time to time, she was successful fashion designer and walked from a tiny studio alecky. Missouri was pretty sure Tommy's lifestyle was supplemented by her very wealthy father and the string of rich boyfriends she had dated since University. Let me give you just, Tommy said. Do you remember Amanda from high School? She was a few years ahead of Was tall, light skinned, vaguely. You're so annoying. You never remember anything. She was friendly at this one. And that lot, the jury noted. Oh yeah, OK, yeah, I remember how I didn't know how well, but what did she do? She has heat. Tommy clapped her hands together gleefully. She's dating Semi Foster, the CEO of Foster Inc and a big boy in the oil sector. He bought her A B M W, a flat in park view and apparently a flat in Saint John's Wood in London, all in the space of 18 months. Jury instead of halfway seconds for a second. But isn't he married? I could have sworn I saw pictures of him and his wife of Bella Ninja attending that beluga wedding in Dubai a few weeks ago. Married fire. So Tommy hissed, Why are you acting as if it is news? This Lagos big boys are favoured to their wives? Don't be so naive. Zuri rolled her eyes. His hardly a boy. Tommy, Isn't he in his fifties? It doesn't matter. He has money.