Radio Spot

Profile photo for Cecilia Brown
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Script audition for radio spot..two females meet in grocery store

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Oh, hi, Carol. I'm doing all right. You know, lightly. I've been waking up with these pains. I haven't even started my day. Really? It is. It sounds like I need to try Omega Excel. I'm so glad you told me about a mega excel. Gail. Carol, have you talked Gail about Omega Excel O Carroll? I'm doing all right. But lately I've been waking up with these pains and I haven't even started my day. Really? What is it? Sounds like I need to try. Oh, make a excel. I'm so glad you told me about a mega Excel. Hey, Gail. Carol, Have you told Gail about a mega Xa? Hi, Jamie. Good to see you. Have you been? I know what you mean. I've been dealing with a lot of pain in my joints, but I found something that's been helping me. It's Omega Excel. I've been taking you for a while now, and it really helped me deal with pain. I honestly don't know how I'd get through my day without it, I guess. Jamie, So good to see you. Have you been I know what you mean up and we're dealing with a lot of pain in my joints, but I found something that's been helping me. It's Omega Excel. I've been taking you for a while now, and it really helped me deal with the pain. I honestly don't know how I get through my day without it, I guess.