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Spencer Bryant. They say nothing perfect exists. But when you think of perfection, what comes to mind? Is it the way something looks, the way something feels? Or maybe in this case, it's the way something tastes. NBC parodied. Perfection does exist. Ah, well tailored suits. The women is what lingerie is to make no middle man, no compromises from the highest quality, from stitch to store. That's bank way. To be a master of the sea, he must understand the history it has created. A Rolex doesn't just tell time it create. I think this is the way. Amazing, isn't it? How a piece of technology can change how you look, feel and drive the all new Lexus it's and it's inspiring. Performance will make a statement of who you are. Experience Amazing that your Lexus dealer magnificence with the new Lincoln Continental, you'll be able to experience all of these variations of luxury. 2018