Chota Bheem and two Giants

Profile photo for Manuboti Gowthami
Not Yet Rated


How Bheema solved with two giants

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Indian (General) Indian (Hindi)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
once upon a time in a place called Dr Poor lived two joints. There was one Big Jane and Esmael Monday when the Giants were going for a year war. They, some many people working with bills, the giant start that the papers are going to shoot them because the Giants were very clever and indeed the people wanted to shoot them by the Giants were two hours. The small gents started hitting the people in passing them to the big that the eggs ain't kept on eating the paper now. They were no people left to it. So the Giants and decided to go somewhere, and they went to a place called We can eat many people here and nobody can Harmon's tartar giant. Then they started hiding to nobody could see them at night, come out of their cave and eight people. One day that came to know about that gaol. He asked the gods to see how the giants look can click pictures of them. The gods clicked. Pictures of the James ensure them to working when he asked the gods to fight the joint. But God said the West, so that asked Shota being and his friends to file them there. That night, the challenger, the dense, verified the small join got killed easily. But the big giant was stuff. Then, being not an idea, he asked Jayant to chase him. When they approach Cherie anywhere and the moment that they tried to punch him, they pushed him in the river and he floored away with the river and never came back. And that is how May Mazal were another problem in