Storytelling, richness, distinct, comforting, grandfatherly charm.

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Rick Wimberly delivers a cocktail of empathy, richness and a bit of whimsy when he's storytelling. His style is distinct and comforting, developed over a life of journeys himself. This sample tells stories in a caring, comfortable, wise-sounding voice that endears and engages listeners.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This is a story that might be hard to believe, but there are those who say this really truly happened. We will follow the flag into benighted lands fighting, but not to kill Mole, stood still a moment, held in thought as one weakened suddenly from a beautiful dream who struggles to recall it. It can recapture nothing but a dim sense of the beauty in it, the beauty he's having a hard time, and it shows his jaw is tight with anger and defeat, that his eyes widen. He shifts forward up over the work sheep and solves the problem without any further assistance from me. Maybe God sounds like the silence or original dancing of wind, heavy, thunder rolling laughter. Maybe God isn't just an echo from distant history.