Audiobook demo: The Night Manager, by John le Carré

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I read the opening page to one of my favourite le Carré novels, The Night Manager.
It's not entirely Received Pronunciation as it still has a light South African accent, but many of my foreign speak friends say they find the voice with this accent very clear and easy to understand.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
on a snow swept January evening of 1991 Jonathan Pine, the English night manager of the Hotel Meister Palace in Zurich, forsook his office behind the reception desk and in the grip of feelings he had not known before, took up his position in the lobby as a prelude to extending his hotels. Welcome to a distinguished late arrival. The Gulf War had just begun throughout the day, news of the Allied bombings discreetly relayed by the staff that caused consternation on the Zurich stock exchange hotel bookings, which in any January willow had shrunk to crisis levels once more. In her long history, Switzerland was under siege, but the Meister Palace was equal to the challenge overall. Zurich Meister, as the hotel was affectionately known to taxi drivers and habituate, presided physically and traditionally alone, a staid Edwardian aunt perched on her own hilltop, gazing down on the folly of hectic urban life. The more things changed in the valley, the more meister stayed herself, unbending in her standards, a bastion of civilised style in a world intent on going to the devil. Jonathan's point advantage was a small recess between the hotel's too elegant showcases. Both of them displaying ladies Fashion's Adele of the Bangles Plaza was offering a sable stole over a female dummy whose only other protection was a gold bikini bottom and a pair of coral earrings. Price on application to the concierge The clamour against the use of animal furs these days is as vocal in Zurich as in other cities in the Western world. But the Meister Palace paid it not a blind bit of notice. The second showcase, by says, are likewise off the bond. Holst Lhasa preferred to cater to the Arab test with a tableau of lusciously embroidered gowns and diamante turbans and jewelled wristwatches. At 60,000 francs a shot Frank by these wayward shrines to luxury, Jonathan was able to keep a crisp I on the swing doors.