E-Learning Demo

Video Narration


Demonstration video for Time Doctor. A labor time recording/management system.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Hi, this is Dan. From Time Doctor. In this video, I'm going to show you how you can invite a new user to your account. You can enter the email address of the user on the dashboard page and click on invite users. You'll be redirected to the invite users page. Alternatively, you can navigate toe left menu bar and click on invite your team to access this page. Click on Seymour Options to define settings for this user, you can invite multiple users at the same time by entering their email addresses in these fields. Select their access levels. If they will be, add men's managers or users. Please note you'll need to invite users separately if their access levels air different. Enable or disable screenshots Feature. If you want them to add manual time and have it approved by default without any review from owner admin or their manager, you can enable this option or you can disable it. Select the projects will be associated with and click on invite. If you have integrations enabled for your company, you can import users from those integrations into your time. Dr. Account