Up to You Porky

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Comedic monologue.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Yorkshire & Humber) British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the guide from Up to You, Porky Bye, Victoria Wood. Now, before I show you around, I'll just fill you in on a few details, as we call them. As you can see, we're standing in the hole off how with parsonage, where the Reverend Bronte lived with his daughters, the famous Bronte sisters. Now, alas, no longer with us, but they have left is their novels, which I have not read being more of a **** Francis, not I'm afraid the wallpaper isn't the original period to which we're referring. It's actually Laura Ashley, but I think it does give you some idea of what life must have been like in a blustery old Yorkshire community of long ago. The portrait on the wall is actually of Charlotte Bronte and, of course, do as she seems a rather gloomy looking individual. But you must remember these days she'd have a perm or blusher. Gotta suppose even drugs would have helped to maintain a more cheerful attitude