John Grisham

Profile photo for Greg Stephens
Not Yet Rated


Audiobook sample with two characters.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
his funk was interrupted when Alicia, his current part time secretary chimed in through his dusk phone jake. There's a couple here to see you a couple married but wanting to get unmarried. Another cheap divorce. He glanced at his daily planner though. He knew there was nothing. Do they have an appointment? He asked, but only to remind Alicia that she shouldn't be bothering him with foot traffic. No, but they're very nice and they say it's really urgent. They're not going away. Said it wouldn't take but a few minutes. Jake, loathed being bullied in his own office on a busier day. He would take a stand and get rid of them. Do they appear to have any money? The answer was always no. Well, they do seem rather affluent. A fluid in ford County, somewhat intriguing. Alicia continued, they're from Memphis and just passing through. But again, they say it's very important. Any idea what it is? No. Well, it wouldn't be a divorce if they lived in Memphis. He ran through a list of possibilities, grandma's will some old family land, maybe a kid busted for drugs over an old miss Since he was bored and mildly curious and needed an excuse to avoid the paperwork. He asked, did you tell them that I'm tied up in a settlement conference call with a dozen lawyers. No. Did you tell them I'm due in federal court over in Oxford and can only spare a moment or two. No. Did you tell them I'm slammed with other appointments? No, it's pretty obvious the place is empty and the phone isn't ringing. Where are you? I'm in the kitchen so I can talk. Okay. Okay. Make some fresh coffee and put them in the conference room. I'll be down in 10 minutes.