Explainer - United Advantage Agency

Video Narration

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
what if, as a small business owner, you didn't have to spend thousands of dollars every year on traditional health insurance? Today you can build your benefit plan while retaining the profit that the insurance company winter meet. Average Joe. Like many other small business owners, he spends about 17% of his assets to pay for company health benefits through traditional insurance. Every year and every year those costs rise. Smart Joe also owns a small business. But unlike average Joe, he chooses to take advantage of a level funded benefits plan. Level funded health benefits allow Smart Joe to save money, paying much less for employee health care coverage while still providing outstanding benefits. Smart Joe knows exactly what he'll pay every month, allowing him to budget smarter for his business. What's even better? The level funded plant let Smart Joe include his claims fund as a company asset helping him to succeed. And at the end of the year, smart job keeps the money left in the claims fund. After all, it's his money average. Joe doesn't get to keep his savings with this plan, and he certainly can't claim any of the health benefit funds as a company asset. Send your small business on the path for financial success. Find out how