Here's my affiliate demo.

Profile photo for Glenn Steinbaum
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


Here's what I sound like on network affiliate spots.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
tonight at six. Are you sick of getting all that spam? We show you how to make it stop once and for all. Plus who's got the best fish fry in town. It even tastes better than it looks. See what we found out tonight on Katie K. A. T. V. News at six live from Denver. This is Fox 31 news at nine. A pregnant woman beaten and bruised. What police say sparked this violent attack and no shirt, no shoes. Big problem. A local fire captains trip to 7 11. Landing him in trouble with 911 tonight at 11. It's an ancient ritual used to ward off evil and cleanse the soul. Now, WDS you news captures this sacred ceremony on camera. Fear, no evil. Tomorrow at five Chief meteorologist Jeremy Reiner and the seven weather team on air online. On your schedule only on the news station in the aftermath of devastation News. Two journalists share the compelling stories. He felt his porch lifting up. It's a miracle they're alive. It's a miracle today on news two at four the boys of summer are back. The nats faced the Atlanta braves, all the action, all the fun. Nason on W. U. S. A nine game on