English Godiva Truffles Ad

Profile photo for Hanan Elhadary
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This is a good dive, a truffle, a tasty little treat with a rich, delicious filling designed with fine Belgian craftsmanship. Not all truffles air the same. In fact, every truffle tells a story. Let's begin with a pecan caramel, a k A nut case. What makes a nutcase a nutcase? Crunchy pecans, vanilla ganache, gooey caramel goodness. Solutions of grander tendency to exaggerate. This is a truffle flight. What is a truffle flight? You might ask? It's six truffles placed in a tasting order that builds and flavor and intensity. Let's experience a tasting journey. Alma Hazelnut two Car walnut, maple wall dishdasha Look. There are six flights and all each ridiculously deliciously complex and perfect for sharing. If you insist taste buds, prepare for takeoff.