Michigan Milk

Profile photo for Harley Schneider
Not Yet Rated
Television Ad


My vocal coach thinks I have a calm voice that works well with this ad.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
welcome to cast clay country life is better here, more wholesome, more pure, the way it's always been. 1935 CASS Clay has been locally producing the freshest milk and dairy products delivered from the farm to your family, but only for those of us lucky enough to live here. CASS Clay. Homegrown, Pure goodness he handed down to some that might mean recipes or the family cottage, but to a farmer, it means something more. It means honor, integrity, a love for the land. And when it comes to milk, it means only the freshest will do from our farms to your table. Michigan milk because a cold glass of nature's best is pure Michigan.