Games Reel

Profile photo for harry bird
Not Yet Rated


A few different examples of voice work for games

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


British (England - Cockney, Estuary, East End) North American (General) Scottish (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I've done everything, right. Everything my whole so life, all I've done is live my life by the manual, by the manual. You stupid. You on the machine. No. Come on bess. Work with me here for God's sake. And you're right. We do need to think. Bigger. Act bigger. Maybe even the Suez Canal. Tell me, what do you know about battleships? Hey, kids, did you know what your mommies and daddies gave up so your family could live an opportunity. Absolutely nothing. Families are paid to be here. I'm the one who feeds and protects everyone. Remember we should all love our parents but love me more. Your father cannot understand your darkness. He cannot see through your eyes. No one can. My own father was born blind. Doesn't have the faintest idea of what the night looks like. The word dark to means as little as the word light. So if someone is afraid of the dog, do we fix them by taking away their site? It's over Clarissa, she's gone. We will take her through the rest of existence and there's nothing you can do to change that. But if you agree to let us take her to let her go quietly and without fuss, we won't slaughter the rest of your friends. Like young Reginald here. We'll leave the rest of you cattle alone. Most test subjects do experience some cognitive deterioration after a few months in suspension. Now you've been under for quite a lot longer and it's not out of the question that you might have a very minor case of serious brain damage, but don't be alarmed. All right, I'm so glad you could assist me. I intend to develop a phonetic telegraph that does not just convey dots and dashes, Miss Fry, but the human voice.