Audiobook - Narrator- Engaging- Real Person



I am a 2-time award-winning audiobook narrator with credits for Marvel, Star Wars, Disney, Paramount Pictures, as well as international Best-Sellers. No matter the genre I am a sincere, thoughtful and exciting narrator.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away short negotiations, Jedi master Qui gon jinn and his Jedi apprentice, Obi wan Kenobi, flew in their star cruiser toward the planet of Naboo. The notorious Trade Federation had created a web of space stations around the planet that prevented anyone from coming or going. This blockade also meant that the people of Naboo, we're not getting the supplies they desperately needed. The Jedi had been sent by the Supreme chancellor of the galaxy spanning republic. It was up to wagon and Obi wan to convince the Trade Federation to remove the blockade Once and for all, when they arrived at the blockade base wagon and Obi wan were greeted by a silver protocol droid. We are greatly honored by your visit ambassadors, said the droid. However, despite the droids kind words, it would soon become clear that the Trade Federation was not going to meet with them at all. Bloodshot followed, harting into a glass elevator, Katie behind him. There was just a brief, vertiginous moment when he realized that they were at least 75 stories above street level, and he found himself looking out over a futuristic city of soaring glass high rises. He knew that the cityscape spread out below was a collision of asian, traditional, Malaysian, Islamic inspired, Western, colonial, modern and postmodern architectural styles. It was information that he couldn't see any real reason for a soldier to know the disparate voice he'd heard in his head had stopped as though the voice had integrated somehow. And now he just knew things like he knew he was in Kuala Lumpur and every other damn thing except who he was and why? Nobody had cared enough to claim his body. What is this place? He asked. As the glass elevator traveled even farther upward. The doors dinged open to a tastefully minimalist corporate lobby. The subdued lighting made the area feel a little eerie. A little empty Screen in one corner displayed the letters. RST, presumably the corporate logo. The floor was so polished it was almost a mirror, and the poured concrete walls gave the adjoining corridors a somewhat industrial look. Bloodshot and Katie followed, harding across the lobby. R. S. Team focuses on rebuilding the most important assets in the U. S. Military soldiers like you. They had covered another two miles when Nauru stopped them with a signal, they all crouched down and slowly crept forward. Here the vegetation was mostly green with golden grass that came up to their waists spread between occasional shepherd and black thorn trees. The Herd of Gems Bach was 120 yards away. They were obscured up to their haunches in the tall grass and appeared to be adrift in the ocean of green and gold. The young ones almost completely submerged. All of them had long, graceful horns, twice and a half the length of their heads. Their faces were white and painted with two black lines that ran down their cheeks over their chests and down there lower flanks to the tail. The color of their bodies was hypnotic, changing from golden tan to light gray, depending on the light. Com. Co eased the bow from his back and began to move off to the right down wind from the herd.