Commercial Medical VO reel



Previoiusly commissioned VO's
Lyclear, Hurrycane, Algaliff, Squeezy CX, Squeezy App, Angry Hand - World Arthritis Day, G3 Elite

Vocal Characteristics




British (General) British (Received Pronunciation - RP, BBC)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
this World Arthritis Day, we urgently need to raise awareness of early rheumatoid arthritis. So we took a giant talking hand around the country and asked, Are your joints trying to get your attention? You can have your app set up and ready to squeeze in three easy steps. Step one. Enable notifications when first opening, The APP allows squeezy to send you notifications. Shopping is easy again. Now I've got the hurricane. It even stands on its own. Is built on a foundation of quality purity and sustainability are microalgae cultivation. Facility is located in Iceland. Friends recommended a unique and easy to use shampoo treatment for headlines. Stubble action Likely a treatment shampoo suffocates dehydrates and is proven to kill up to 100% of head lice and eggs in one go. No other shampoo is more effective against sudden cardiac death represents a major worldwide public health problem, accounting for 15 to 20% of all deaths. In fact, approximately 90% of people who experience a sudden cardiac arrest or a do not survive once you receive an email inviting you to enrol into squeezy CX from your clinic. Quick get started. Follow the link and fill in your details. You can choose hate. Prefer to be greeted, for example, Jimi James for Mr Bond or another name of your choice, then.