Commercial Demo

Profile photo for Heidi Learn
Not Yet Rated
Radio Ad


Sampling of advertisement demos

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
smell anything, come closer. You still can't smell anything, right? Because it's new. Incentive tied and just like regular tied new incentive tied won't quit till your clothes are clean. This is my family. Our lives get pretty hectic, but on Sundays we like to get together and no place brings us together like olive garden. The herd of depression is emotional, and it's physical to Cymbalta can help. Depression hurts, but you don't have to wait around for my husband to fix the car. Heck, I'm just sitting here forever. I get everything I need at AutoZone. You hear that Hank at Lockheed Martin were committed to community involvement because we believe that giving back is the very best way forward. Don't just set the table style. It discover your style at big lots with new shipments of close out merchandise every week. Only at big lots. I was at my sister's house on the first one up, dying for a cup of coffee. She's out of milk, and all I could find was coffee, mate. Turns out I had one of the best cups of coffee ever