Commercial Reel

Profile photo for Helen Phillips
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


This is my commercial reel with examples to show my main vocal commerical range

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
It's payday on time for the easyJet price. Job prices up to 30% lower than last year on thousands of selected seats. Hurry, put your seat today. EasyJet. Why not voted Britain's best value supermarket? We usually compare baskets of shopping, but today we're going to compare bills. This's Duncan the duck Ondas. You can see he comes with a massive bill. Where is this algae basket? Has a rather small bill. Sorry, Duncan. No one wants big bills. Ruffled a few feathers there. LD. Voted Britain's best value Supermarket technology is great, but sometimes face to face is better. That's why we continue to invest in our branches. 14 million members, one. Building society nationwide. When you feel good on the inside, you look at life with a smile so you could have stayed at home. But you took home with you and you could have gone polyester pop up that you attempted a fairy tale in a cow field. That's why you choose activity fibre with weak brand fibre, which contributes to the acceleration of intestinal transit. And when your tummy smiles, you smile. Activia feel good within. Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. There is no one perfect shape introducing the limited edition dove body wash because beauty has no limits