English Voice-reel



Made in own homestudio.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
angle sticks to my brother Taylor kiddingly. Film log exam Studio of Henrik Back in Flagstaff, every moment has the story, and every story matters. The first men painted stories on stone walls the ancient Egyptians chose to chisel. Instead, the Hinkins told story with dancers and fire. Aborigines told it, with star and spear. Stories are the very essence of human life. They count the breaths of every sunrise, the beads of every emotion and the silence of every heart. Stories take a fleeting temple and makes them eternal. There is no place quite like home, and for many of us, it's here in cities, a bustling metropolis that really sleeps can become exhausting. But even in the heart of the city, their space to relax. Our very own countryside retreat with beautiful blue skies, scenic views, refreshing pools and plentiful food. Ballroom dancing. Just as you can't run without first learning how to walk, you can dance without first learning how to connect with your partner. So let's try one of the simplest of moves, the fox trot. Now grab your partner, ladies, bring your feet together. Men flatten your stomach and you'll be dancing like a professional in any time. Yeah,