Heather Barnes - Commercial Reel 2014

Television Ad


Bright, sweet, youthful, energetic, girl next door voice. Friendly, lovable, relatable, conversational, and believable chatter perfect for charming and engaging listeners (like Drew Barrymore in The Wedding Singer).
Nurturing, motherly, natural, soothing, caring, and trustworthy tones (like Lori Loughlin in Full House).
Sexy, sultry and seductive as well as sophisticated, luxurious, conceited and snobby (Goldie Hawn in Overboard).
Realistic conversations, passionate arguments, and convincing peer to peer sales pitches, serious, energetic, informative, announcy, authoritative, confident, enthusiastic and convincing.
Edgy, sassy, spunky, argumentative, sarcastic, lazy, smart-alec.
Characters such as classic 1930s and 40s radio announcers, vampy noir seductress, gypsy fortune-teller, diner waitress, ditz, valley girl, sinister villain, sexy witch (Maleficent), old hag witch (Snow White Witch), superhero (She-Ra), geek, nasal nerd, quirky girl (Moaning Myrtle), twitchy or nervous girl, awkward girl, crying and cooing baby, sweet or evil little girl, robot, humanized animals, wholesome Disney princess (Cinderella), goth chick, schoolyard bully, and so much more! Marilyn Monroe and Mae West vocal qualities.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)