The Tree Museum

Profile photo for Hillary Leben
Not Yet Rated


The Tree Museum is an audio book created by Digital Artist John Leben. It's a science fiction book for young adults about global warming and the fate of the human race.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Then the technocrats had another brilliant idea. They build whole cities under the sea, right on the coral reefs. Oh, they were smart. Those engineers or so we thought they got clean air from the water. And it was great for a while until the reefs died. But hey, so what? Those engineers, they're full of ideas like this one. They actually hung houses from balloons and then they launched them high into the sky where the air was fresh and clean. Of course, there were problems. Some of those balloon towns were pretty heavy toe. Lighten the load. They gave each house its own balloon, but it was hard to keep the town together. The house is kept blowing away from each other, victims of the wind. And then there were the storms up there. I don't know. They kept getting worse, and it was becoming alarmingly difficult to survive. Were there solutions shortsighted Onley designed for mankind's survival? What about the earth herself? That's when Mother Nature stepped in with her own radical solutions.