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Profile photo for Holly Hall
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Video Narration


Provided voiceover. Tone requested was \"nice and energetic, but trustworthy.\"

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
you're doing amazing work, but does the world know about it? We're media source experts at storytelling with a purpose. We ask why your stories are important and use our proven process to find your audience and achieve your goals First, let's dream Big. What do you want to accomplish our experts? Storytellers know how to tell your story with intention, so it makes an impact. Whether your goal is to earn national media coverage, increase your reputation, be recognized as a thought leader or simply reach your target audience. Next, let's determine how to create your masterpiece. It's our job to bring your story to life through professional video, expertly written content, attention, getting graphics and anything in between our team of artists knows how to find your story and tell it in the most strategic way. Now it's time to command the spotlight. Even the best story can't achieve its purpose. If no one sees it, whether it's through our deep relationships with journalists or razor sharp social media outreach, leave it to us to get your story in front of your customers. Think of us as the marketing matchmakers who connect your stories to your target audiences, and, lastly, we never forget to toast your success. You won't need to wonder whether your story was a success because media source uses data to track your progress and show its impact. We're here to work towards your goals, no matter what you consider a win, we're experts at setting and hitting concrete targets. Are you ready to tell your story?