English speaking, broadcast professional, mature sound

Profile photo for Wayne Posz
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Sample is a straight read just to sell me to you. An opportunity to hear my voice and start the process.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Are you looking for a new fresh voice for an upcoming project As your message kind of lost its luster? Maybe you need something with a little bit of feeling or maybe you need something with some punch. Maybe you just need a voice that helps you deliver an important message, you've heard everyone else. But right now you can seize a moment with a new sound, a new voice and the best part is the price isn't gonna break the bank. So whatever your project is that you need a voice, give it a shot and let's see where we can go together. Full production, capable professional quality. The only limit is going to be your imagination. So start imagining and then let's chat.