Television Commercials

Television Ad


Here is my voice in some promos and how it may sound delivering your product.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
get an extra movie ticket to regal cinemas with google pay, go to the movies with a buddy, go to the movies for less cash, go to the movies with google pay and his weekly trips to the casino to play five card stud. For me, those numbers didn't add up. And that's why we're headed to divorce court. What is vitality, vitality is life, but for who mothers, fathers, communities, everyone and everything on earth, a vital earth for everyone. There are those who return the card and those who don't, those who scoop and those who abandon it. Then there are those who take this mindset behind the wheel and for those people here is high road, skip the bat, win the house, Rocky can rocket homes and rocket mortgage. Finally, a home buying edge against the competition. This is our house.