Love is an Angel

Profile photo for Igor Goldkind
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Improvised recitation with 4 piece jazz band featuring Saul Ruben and Gilad Atzmon.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Love is an angel disguised as lust. You know it's true Lust is an angel. You just gotta let it be Look what's going on with you. Look, look, let's look at your body. Look at your eyes were dilated You get your lips Your lips are swollen Yeah, Those lips are swollen because you want me You want me as much as I want you I sing the body electric baby I want to play your body electric That's what I want to do All you gotta do is take off your clothes Look, we'll go somewhere Not here will go somewhere Just be will just be in our bodies way are just our bodies You know our minds don't exist Assist this flesh Sweat that glow in your cheeks That's what's really I can feel it I can smell you I can smell your scent and you can smell mine That's chemistry, baby. That's what chemistry way But right now the way I feel I could give you everything I could give me My body, My tongue, my eyes, my fingers I just need to give it to you I need to give it to you right now I need you. You refused about There's no confusion here. Just this hard, hard I know it's hard and soft They go together, they go together Wait, Just let it be Let it be Let me be in, Sergeant, please just spread your legs. Let just so good you feel Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah Way Oh, so beautiful, baby. So beautiful. Thank you. So thank you so much. Thank you. Thank you.