Ian Grimley's Political Demo

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Ian Grimley's Political Demo

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there is a secretive network of anti ***** organizations with ties to the Koch brothers and other right wing billionaires Since 2014, they've spent over $200 million attacking workers rights on the West Coast. These groups have fought for decades against raising wages, pensions, affordable healthcare, and increasing education funding. Did you know that 10 people drown each day in the United States? Did you know that participation in formal swim lessons can reduce the likelihood of childhood drowning by 88%? And did you know that the Osco to pool, the only competitive pool in a 60 mile radius is in danger of being permanently closed. You can save the pool and the lifesaving swim lessons by voting yes on the Osco to area schools bond proposal on september 2nd 2009, the transnational pharmaceutical giant Pfizer's pled guilty to multiple criminal felonies. It had been marketing drugs in a way that may well have led to people's deaths and that definitely lead physicians to prescribe and patients to use pharmaceuticals in ways they were not intended. Republican Congressional candidate Chad Rostenkowski is a common sense businessman. He's also a conservative educator who believes deeply in this country and in the principles that made her great chad Rostenkowski wants a country that's free, prosperous and strong