Children's Book Narr

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I hosted a Children's radio show. You have to be a chameleon and use the velvet in your voice to entertain without intimidating or becoming frightening. I collaborate with different authors to find just the tone for their particular read. It is still great fun and allows me to stay in touch with my own inner child.

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Voice Age

Senior (55+)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the true treasure. It's a bright, sunny morning. A great bird flies over the grasslands and calls out to everyone. Everybody wake up. There's a treasure chest. Somewhere on the farm mountain across the grasslands, all the animals come out wanting to know who confined the treasure chest fastest. The leopard is the first to step out, he says, by I'm younger and smarter than all of you. I run faster to I'll go and find the treasure chest for us, the giraffe says proudly. I'm taller so I can see Father. I confined the chest easier than any one of you. It's a bright, sunny morning. Ah, great bird flies over the grasslands and calls out to everyone. It's a bright Sunday morning. A great bird flies over the grasslands and calls out to everyone.