COPD Empathetic Read

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Video Narration


This has a PSA feel.
An actual job.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
around 384 million people worldwide suffer from COPD. Recent evidence suggests that younger COPD patients experience a higher disease burden compared to older patients. In fact, the psychological impact of COPD resulting in stress, sadness and anxiety has been shown to be significantly higher in younger patients. Therefore, findings suggest that younger patients with COPD need more assistance in clinical practice when it comes to COPD. Imagine the disease progression being described with the image of a downward spiral outlining clinically important deterioration, or C i D, which may result in a decline in quality of life, which may result in a decline in quality of life. Evidence suggests that there is a greater loss of lung function and early COPD stages. Evidence suggests that there is a greater loss of lung function in early COPD stages, especially younger patients are often mawr severely impacted in their day to day life. Compared to older COPD patients, it is therefore important to not overlook the burden of the disease in younger patients. COPD and undiagnosed patients is likely to become more severe over time with an increased impact on quality of life in order to reduce symptoms and improve their health status For patients like James Pharma. Logical therapy for COPD plays an important role. Lama Laba Therapies such as Spy Alto have not only demonstrated significant improvements in lung function, activity related breathlessness and quality of life speak alto has also reduced the risk of C i d. Compared to tie a Tropea um, monotherapy alone. Speed Alto has also reduced the risk of C i d. Compared to tie a Tropea um, monotherapy alone with consistent findings in treatment, naive and gold Stage two patients, additional riel World evidence suggests that spy alto Respa Matt that speech alto Respa Matt also resulted in a lower risk of escalation to triple therapy or an adverse outcome versus laba I C s. That's Pianalto Respa Matt also resulted in a lower risk of escalation to triple therapy or an adverse outcome versus lava. I. C s and recent guidelines underline that the use of I C s containing therapies should be limited to a subset of patients dependent on exacerbation history and eo sinful count. And recent guidelines underline that the use of I C s containing therapies should be limited to a subset of patients dependent on exacerbation history and eo sinful count. Consider the unique soft mist of Spy alto Respa Matt. Consider the unique soft mist of speed Alto Respa Matt. Consider Lama Lava as the optimal treatment for most of your COPD patients. Help your patients breathe. Help your patients breathe. Fill their life with inhale ability. Fill their life with inhale ability.