Commercial samples

Profile photo for Ilyssa Barr
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Professionally recorded demo of commercial voice overs

Vocal Characteristics




North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
I can remember sitting on the front porch on a hot summer day with my grandpa Sibley nicety that my grandma just brewed call me a security freak. But I think all over body plating is the way to go. The visibility isn't so good, especially when you're crossing the highway. I lost a lot of cousins. That way, somebody you know or love may be suffering from depression and not even be aware of it. Knowing how to recognize the warning signs can save someone's life who says only boys can be wizards introducing Petunia petals. Girl wizard from Bestselling Children's author, Barbara Romney. It's cool yet hot, intriguing, yet familiar. The new Blanco perfume by Lauren White. Don't I look gorgeous. My bow even matches my collar. The stylist at the pampered pup can make any mutt. I feel like a pure bred Hi, I'm melissa bar. Thank you for listening.