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first ever monologue reading i did.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Look, I'm not the guy who spends hundreds of dollars on a last minute flight back to New York, tears across town there runs up six flights of stairs and knocks on my best friend's girlfriend's door in order to run off. And you look whether based on one crazy darkness and explicable romantic night So what am I doing here? Audrey, I'm not passionate. I'm a fact checker for Christ six. And the fact of me being here doesn't check out is nuts. So, mates, how I don't believe in them never have. So how can I be yours? The fact is, you hardly know me, and I hardly know you now. Your boyfriend have known since kindergarten and I really willing NATO autos years a friendship away based on what some filling some admits aching, growing, burning, torturing, filling. That's telling me I must be with you or I'm a die a slow, horrible death as my heart slowly breaks down in thousands of pieces. No, I mean, this is the kind of thing that only happens in movies and we're not in a movie. We're on McDonough grocery two blocks from Southend. Bechler. That's where we are that is indisputable. Geographical fact. A solid, rational, clear, black and white fact and or facts are pointing toe one thing we can't do this artifacts say I shouldn't be here because the fact is you're in a relationship because the fact is, we just met yesterday because the fact is, I'm not the kind of guy who falls in love. That's a fact. A cold, hard fact. And facts are supposed to be true. But the problem is, see, the problem is, despite every fact I can muster, there's something that still doesn't check out, because the truth is, despite all the facts to the contrary, I still love you and it and it just defies all reason. All morality, all sense. But I do. I love you manly, and it's not like me, and I don't want it to be. But I can't help it. I'm yours, Audrey. Completely, totally helplessly and utterly yours