Business Promo Commerical

Profile photo for COURTNEY GARNER
Not Yet Rated
Video Narration


Voice Over of engaging black female for financial business promo

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
thing I can do, there is nothing, nothing I can't do, there is nothing, nothing I can do dollars. Lucky to bounce once with people who look like us. The good karma effects smart contract changes this today, my brothers and sisters, we can't keep doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. We can't continue to focus 100% of our efforts on our external detriment without addressing internal issues that some would argue fund our own oppression. Since the inception of this country, our community has been the number one source for unearned income and sadly till this day we are still the source for unearned income. This sounds like a choice to me in my Kanye voice. The good karma effect can change this today. The internet has eliminated virtually all barriers. We can connect with one another in ways our ancestors could only dream of, we have access to technology that is literally closing the wealth gap and yet the majority of our community has no knowledge of this technology. We are living in the greatest wealth transfer of our generation and we can't afford to let this opportunity pass us by. The good Karma effect is a smart contract that will allow us to bounce crypto up to 10 times if power nomics was a smart contract, the good karma effect would be it we are the only culture that some would say chooses to fund our oppression because we refuse to circulate currency within our culture. The good karma effect changes this today. If you decide to join our community, your membership will be deposited into at least five members of our Communities wallet instantly and directly, with no third party involvement. Our economic model allows our crypto to circulate up to 10 times. So as our community grows, the amount of crypto that circulates within our community grows exponentially. The good karma effect brings. Nipsey is mantra of all money in. No money out directly to the community. Lock hands with a good karma effect, pay homage to those that came before you. Let's change one of the most economically destructive aspects of our community in 2021.