Explainer - Corporate, Professional, Conversional, Humorous, Straight

Video Narration


Corporate, Professional, Conversional, Humorous, Straight-Forward, 20-something, 30-something, Young Adult, Adult, 20s, 30s, Furbo, VR, Husky, Casual

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
every morning as we left home for work, our dog would give us those sad puppy eyes that broke our hearts as we shut the door behind us and we knew we'd probably be coming home to his revenge. So we created the furball pet camera for bo's dog recognition technology as a I powered. So it's always getting smarter notifying you of important events and adorable moments and when you might want to tell him to get off the kitchen table. Really from the beginning, our dream has been to help people lead creative lives by providing tools to make their do it yourself projects beautiful, fun and easy. When we built our first cutting machine, we saw the potential for a simple yet powerful tool to completely transform the way people think about crafting, designing and making. And cricket users worldwide continue to amaze us with the personal, meaningful and unique things that they make. We are about more than just 10th with certified growers and manufacturers as our partners up Nous wellness products are crafted with the finest in natural ingredients. Our products are packed with beneficial elements like antioxidants and anti inflammatories designed to help boost body mind and soul. We work with us extractors and manufacturers using ingredients we can track to ensure the safety and efficacy of every up Nous product you use. Virtual reality has taken the tech world by storm but just what is VR Well VR uses cutting edge graphics best in class hardware and artistically rendered experiences to create a computer simulated environment where you aren't just a passive participant but a co conspirator with a meta quest, two VR headset, you're fully absorbed in realistic three D worlds, creating a major shift in how we experience the digital realm.