Wayne Scott TV News Imaging

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Authoritative, emotional, trusted voice for TV news

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
everyone said she'd make a wonderful mother, and now they say she's killed her baby. How could this have happened? For many new mothers, changes in their hormonal balance may cause mild depression after giving birth. But tonight on I would disuse way talk to mothers whose hormones nearly drove them insane. New mothers find out how to protect yourself and your baby. Tonight at 10 on Channel 11 I would dis news Hurricane Florence How Detroit is rallying to bring aid to the Carolina coast and how a seven year old girl turned an entire town in tow. One big heart. Those stories tonight at 11 on Channel five News. They're called 90 Niners Because they're 99 week limit on unemployment has run out tonight. What do the jobless do when their safety net is gone? The CNN newsroom six o'clock eastern only on CNN