The great ship

Profile photo for Jack black
Not Yet Rated


i choose this eassy from new concept english published by Longman asia.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


British (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the greedy ship Titanic sailed before New York. Promise I was High Mountain only pro tense. 19 Tyler. She was occurring 1316 passengers on the cruel 191. Even by no modern standards, there are 46,000. The town had Anne was closer to, and at that time, however, she was not only is a large, it's the sheep that had ever been beyond but the world regarding a long, single ball. Well, she had a 16 watertight become parliaments. Even if two of these were flooded, she will still be able to float the tragic thinking. Or was this great liner we will always be remembered for? She would have hung on her force, avoid with heavy loss of life for these. After thinking out where the Titanic was, the ceiling on car sized a water over the nose on my intake, a huge iceberg was suddenly spotted by a lookup after the love had been given the great shaped and travelling to a wider director clearing Ted, I need turned just in time. They're really missing, most of all right, which knows over 100 feet. Although the water beside her the other night. They were the slight, trembling sound from below on the the cabin in the town to see what had happened. The noise had bean Sophie in't that no one thought that the sheep had been damaged. You know, the captain realised the horror. The Titanic was sinking rapidly. 45 her for five over car 16. Whether tide of from parliaments had already been flooded. The order to abandon ship was given on the hundreds of people problem to the true size of water. There were not enough lifeboats for everybody. 1500 lives the one most.