English Commercials

Radio Ad

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
until they are fed, pounced and trained. Our athletes can't skate, ski or slide for that. We and everyone who loves the Olympic Games old them our deepest gratitude for a bright smile that looks, feels and is different. Try Aquafresh. Extreme, clean the original experience and you thought the whole toothpastes were alive. Introducing Motive Sliver with a slender body that sports a laser age keypad, huge color screen, Bluetooth quad band MP three ring tones and video playback here. More phone feeds and lay space. Motile Sleeper. My two boys think it's the most hilarious thing to see their daddy doing homework on a Saturday, saying, I'm earning my associates degree effort in our university and setting an example for my kids. If you think as you work and have a family, you can go to college. You're wrong. I'm not saying it's easy, but her nose evening and online classes make it easier for working adults to earn their degree room of coffee in the morning from Taster's Choice, 100% brewed Colombian coffee introducing Nescafe Ed Taster's Choice 100% Colombian Nescafe Taster's Choice