Commercial Demo

Television Ad


This is my commercial demo with different commercial reads.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
There's a dynamic new form of electricity on the horizon. Elevate your driving experience in the inspired Hyundai ionic six tender hand seasoned steak, grilled, the sizzling perfection with fresh lime and cilantro. Unlock layers of delicious flavors with garlic guajillo steak only at Chipotle beard issues holding you back. Put your best beard forward with the beard club dot com. The end of a long day after an even longer week is when I let it all pour out. That's my makers moment. When will you have yours? So Ryan Reynolds, celebrity actor and owner of Mint Mobile, you know, the guy has me as his stand in here to help save you money on your wireless service. Not sure how that works exactly because Mint Mobile already offers unlimited plans for as little as 15 bucks a month. She was supposed to be the one and then you realized there's plenty of others out there. Amazon has daily deals. So every day is a chance to meet that special one that catches your eye and rocks your world. There's a future centric way to get rewarded for every purchase you make, earn 3% crypto back with the no annual fee. Gemini credit card apply now and start claiming your crypto rewards at gemini dot com.