E-Learning Demo



My voice in various roles for e-leaning programs.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
is your car battery? Dad need a new car battery today. You'll learn how to test if your car battery is bad and how to recharge a dead car battery. Hi Janet your procedure was successful. We should have the biopsy results in a few days. There are a few post procedure instructions. You'll need to follow. Your F. S. A. I. D. Is your personal legal signature? You and only you should create and use your F. S. A. I. D. Parents should not create an F. S. A. I. D. For their child and vice versa. Click on any of the five tabs, cough, tennis skiing event and meeting facilities or local attractions. For a close up look, click the red pause button or the yellow zoom button at any time to take in even more detail. I wanted to discuss your job performance. It seems you're adjusting well but have had trouble meeting deadlines. It is a busy time for the company and it is important that we're hitting those critical deadlines. What can we do to help you be more successful in this position?