Corporate | ArcelorMittal XCarb Tube| Brief: Clean, neutral, inspiring

Video Narration


ArcelorMittal XCarb Tube

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This is not a tube. This is a step in the right direction. This is not less, it's small. This is not gray, it's bright again. This is not a tube, it's a circle, just a tube. It's not an option for us anymore. Just a tube won't get us to net zero. By 2050 we had to come up with something different. But the world needs still tubes. Lots of them. It had to look like a tube. Feel like a tube. Perform like a tube. Essentially, the product had to be the same. So we changed the formula. This is how a new generation of tubes is born. Actually, this is how it's born looks the same feels the same performs the same steel is recycled. The electricity comes from the wind and the sun. The world moves forward. The result is the carb tube, recycled and renewable, produced the same tubular product we've always offered. Now with up to 75% CO2 reduction, we changed everything but the tube. So the world of tomorrow looks the same but will feel different. Are you prepared for change?