Bigfoot Boy: Lost on Earth by Kenna McKinnon (Sample)

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Audiobook sample - this project available on Amazon. I had lots of fun on this project. It's a middle school/young reader, adventure story, and it is about Bigfoot! **I'd rate this PG for some mild language and reference to underage drinking.
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Chapter 16. Hey, man, slow down one of the teens cold. He was tall and out of shape, the result of too much fast food beer and sitting down to play video games rather than out on the soccer grounds. Like his three friends, he's just ahead of us through the bush, stomping an anvil in along, not caring his shaggy head say, Do you think he's dangerous now? You saw the look in his eyes. He just wanted to get away from those cops say, I wonder if there's a reward on his hairy head. I bet there is. That's why we're following him, man, Stop, you handsome dude. The driver threw a rock and hurls direction. He heard it thump a few feet past his head and turned peering through the trees of the boys like Joey. They might be friends, but then again, they might not, he grunted. He had known all along they were behind him and, being curious, he had let them walk this far into the woods into Bigfoot land. He's trying to talk to us. Do you think he heard us following him from the road? He must have heard us. He thinks We're okay. Are we sure we are? Dude, you okay? Earl made an effort to speak English. The boys understood him. Yeah, we're okay, man. They began to run toward him and he backed up. Not sure what they were doing. Hey, don't be scared. We're your friends. Yeah. You got a cola? They left Earl bared his teeth and grand. They stopped. Hey, that's not friendly. I think he's smiling. The cops After you, Harry. Dude, the teens approached him. The bravest of them walked ahead. Led by the driver who seemed to be a leader. The other three hung behind. We're your friends. They're after us, too. They laughed, sounding like drums beating out of tune. He laughed along with them cops after Earl. That your name? Earl Cool. One of the teens came within a few feet and offered a stick of gum. He took it. Oh, Gummi wad! What's that man and gummy watch? Oh, yeah, sure. I got the wad. The teens laughed again. He had found new friends like Joey. He was happy as he chewed the water gum. You going back to the trappers cabin man? Joe Lock er Last his voice was horse and the boys call only grunts and bleeps. What's that you say? Not understand, Earl. No, not understand. They surrounded the Bigfoot. One of the teens scuffed his foot in the frozen dirt near Earls Foot. So what's wrong with your feet? They look sore. Earl's feet are sore anymore. Like you in these woods. Say, Where are we anyway? I think we should be getting back. Before lost, the boy swept a lock of hair from his eyes and played with the ring in his lip. Your dad's gonna be so mad puffin. I got an idea that will make him happy, Pete Son said. You go or last he struck the boy's head. Pete's son grand. Yeah, we go, Earl. Watch them jumping over fallen logs and crashing through the forest much louder than when they have followed him. Earl's hearing was very good, and he had let them find him. He was lonely, and these boys looked a lot like his friend Joey, but he didn't know they were not his friends. Perhaps, though later they would be