Narration (TV)

Profile photo for Jason Pullman
Not Yet Rated
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Fun & edgy narration (what a concept)!

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Young Adult (18-35)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Jason Coleman. They dance. They sold millions of records where these teen sensations went. Mass hysteria followed everyone. So why we would look at each other. But there fans came with a heavy price tag. I started smoking pot at like 14 died, maybe 13. Now E. Takes a look at what happened when the music stops on the party ended. I remember going into my room, shutting the door and then just not really knowing what to do with my life. Plus, he was poised for fame, performing with Britney, Justin and Christina. So what a day shoot to the top while his career bottomed out. If one more person asks me, they all went on to become famous and make it. How come you didn't bunch scripted on sensors and, in their own words, this'd child star confidential. Let's start things off with some nice romantic dates where love has a chance to blossom. Hey, who we kidding? Here, Let's see some skin. It's time to visit the center of the dating show universe. The hot tub. Watch out for a little shrinkage. Okay, welcome to the digital world of but TV. A new generation of entertainment programming designed to engage today's consumers. That looks pretty cool. Click over there. But TV will feature a smorgasbord of smart, snappy programming and interactive technology Among the sites. Many features a diverse channels, all available in full screen DVD quality resolution. Long before there is any organized event, adventure junkies were taking advantage of icy driving conditions as a form of entertainment. But in 1990 when a group of French Formula One racers decided they needed something to do in the offseason, first professional ice racing Siris was born. There's a name for some women's ultimate fantasy known as the Sexiest Men alive, They're hot and sweaty. Show is toward the globe, and they know what it takes to turn women on living in the opposite universes. Adam Watson, literature professor at U. C. L. A. Just four weeks time, this bookworm will be taking it all off in front of a panel of experts and tryingto take it as an elite Chippendale dancer for a mini Mogo. It doesn't get much bigger to snag the title role in a major studio film at the age of tannic. This young actress did just that, but before she was even in her teens. Start gave it all up. Justus. Her career was about to soar. This is Allison Porter in her own words.