Touch of the master's hand

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A story told to music.
\"Wow!! You've got a beautiful speaking voice!! Has anyone told you, you should be on Radio? When I realized you weren't singing the song but instead speaking the lyrics I almost stopped listening but your voice is undeniably captivating...tell a remarkable story.

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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
the touch of the master's hand. Well, it was battered and scarred, and the auctioneer felt it was hardly worth his wild. A waste, much time on the old violin. But he held it up with a smile and said, I mean, it sure ain't much, but it's all we've got left. E. Guess what I sell it to now who start the bed on this old violin, Just one mawr and we'll be through. Then he cried. One. Give me $1 who make it to only two who make it $33 once, $3 twice. Now that's a good price. Who's gonna bid for me? Raise up your hand now. Don't wait any longer. Auction is about to end. Who's got just $1 more to bed on this old violin? Well, the air was hot and the people stood around as the sun was setting Loathe crowd. A gray haired old man came forward and picked up the ball on. He wiped the dust from the old violin and tightened up the strings things. Then he played out of melody, pure and sweet, sweeter than the angels see on booth, auctioneer with voice that was quiet but loathe my bed with this old violin. Held it up with thin. He cried one way. Well, give me $1 will make it to We'll make it $33 once, twice. Now that's a good price. Come on, who's gonna bid for me? And the people cried out. What made the change way? Don't quite understand Thin. The auctioneer stopped and he said with a smile, It was the touch of a master's hand way. You know, there's many a man with his life out of battered and scarred with sin and his oxen cheap, thoughtless crowd. Much like that old violin thin. The master comes with foolish crowd, Never, never quite understand the worth of a soul on the change that is wrought by the touch of the master's hand thin. He cried out one who will give me 10 who make it to only two who will make it 33 twice. Now that's a good prize. Come on, who's gonna bed for me? And the people cried out way. Don't understand the way change with auctioneer stopped, he said with a smile. It was the touch off off the master's hand. That's that