Swanson Vitamins Spot

Profile photo for Jay Casale
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Radio Ad


An ad I produced for Swanson Vitamins, which I read and featured on my podcast.

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North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
This episode is sponsored by Swanson Health. Swanson Health has been producing quality vitamins and supplements, foods, healthy home and self care products for over 50 years from the heart of America. Swanson Health is the Onley company toe Offer the full spectrum of wellness products for mind, body and home, from quality vitamins and supplements to cruelty free beauty items to eco friendly home products. Swanson Health is here to keep you healthy, and if you want to try any of Swanson Health great products for yourself, use code lighter 20 for 20% off on Swanson dot com. That's lighter. 20 for 20% off on Swanson dot com. Go ahead and check them out.