Selling Skills

Profile photo for Brett Featherston
Not Yet Rated


Narration for audiobook on selling

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Socratic selling skills. Prologue. Ancient Greeks and modern selling. In the 20 years since we first developed socratic selling a number of people have questioned our choice of Socrates as the patron saint of cells. Socrates himself was not by any stretch of the imagination. A successful salesman, and from what little we know of his life today. His conduct was anything but salesman life. Socrates was a philosopher, but he was unusual by today's standards and then he never wrote anything. The medium by which he communicated. His philosophy was his own life. He didn't write about his beliefs. He lived them Born in Athens in the second half of the 5th century BC, he was the son of a stonemason and a midwife. He grew up in prosperous circumstances. We know this because he served in the infantry in the Peloponnesian war, and infantrymen were required to furnish their own armor and weaponry. He is said to have learned to endure hardship during his military service. You might even think he acquired a taste for it, because in his later years he was well known for wearing thin and adequate clothing in the harshest weather, and for going barefoot, even though he could easily afford shoes dressing absent mindedly and going barefoot were not his only shortcuts. He talked incessantly. This picture of Socrates is a man who ignored fashion and talked too much, comes down to us from comic sketches and plays, apparently making fun of Socrates and his habits was a pastime among Athenian rights