Profile photo for JULIE MOSS
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Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
generic East European. My name is Russia, and I can see the future sometime. It is good sometime. It is bad, but it is always $50 bad witch. Good witch, Dorothy. You'll never see Toto again. I'm Glenda the good wage British Voice. According to the prime Minister, government issue masks are being issued to anyone in the vicinity of the overturned Kipper track. Katharine Hepburn. The cattle Ella is are in bloom and all is right in Philadelphia. Generic Paris Hilton. Um I like little dogs. They're hot Southern. Would you hush as I was saying, There steal family? New York? Are you talking to me? Huh? Because I'm not talking to you, baby Voice. Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Mommy! Like me now American reporter According to sources close to the boys, they lit their cigarettes on top of the gas tanks on a dare. It's a somber day and oxblood Arkansas as four families mourn four teenage boys. Generic commercial voice at dead lobster. We make sure your full when you leave here. That's why we call Wednesday's giant lobster night. Remember, you can only leave when you finish £100 prawn dripping in butter. Ah oh, That's music to our ears. Relax, it's not Monday yet. Quick quiz. The fastest way to a woman's Hart who said The brain, You get 50 points. Good morning and welcome to Cheetah Motus Service Department. But your convenience. We offer solid plast exceeding a candy bar machine, vintage coffee and last year's Time magazine theme. Following is an actual call from a safe star subscriber. 3 49 i e. Used to lash out when complete and total strangers would violate my space and ask me personal questions like when I was expecting everyone felt compelled to touch me. Everybody needed to know the due date, and one guy had the nerve to ask me how much weight I gained. What's with painful Van Susteren here with former Vice President Al Gore? Al, you put on a couple of pounds since we last spoke when you lost the election. Well, hello to you too, Greta. You're truly a woman of tax. Tax smacked. What's with the weight? Well, since Tipper started cooking with propane from Leon Propane, I'm a satisfied man. She's got the fish cooker turkey cooker, and I just Walter the gas grill. Let me guess. Allah but she bought you some revise. Well, Greta, how did you know? Reporter Allah goes with the territory. I've got to admit I'm thinking of purchasing their space heater or gas locks to make my place more warm and cheering. Will warm and cheerier. Two words are never associate with you. Greta. Get over yourself. Out. As a reporter, I need to let public know that Leon Propane has served Tallahassee and the surrounding community for over 40 years and still makes house calls. And no one beach their tanks that special. Stop by the showroom and check out their selection of gas fireplaces, space heaters and gas logs. Leon Propane, 47 50 would feel highway adjacent to the ST Mark's Bike Trail entrance. Ever think about pulling that bike out of the mothballs? You know, where's my agent? What I needed. What's that awful smell? Why? It's my halibut sandwich. What carried around with you, Al, in case I get the press, You know, scientists have shown that the Omega fatty acids and Taliban prevent or relieve depression and suicidal tendencies. E if not a daily basis, really? Could I have a bite? I've been feeling kind of down since my boyfriend don't make you know what? I'm feeling better already. Hey, golly G. Thanks. I could kiss you. I get that all the time. Forget milk. And today, stress filled world. The real question is got hala, but