Cartoon Character Demo
Vocal Characteristics
EnglishVoice Age
Child (5-12)Accents
North American (General)Transcript
Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
Good morning, boys and girls. Welcome to the show. Today we have a special guest that will be assisting us. His name is J B. Jamie, say hello to the boys and girls. Are everyone um everybody? Uh uh, Yes. Are you a little nervous, JB? Ah, just a lil. Okay. No need to be nervous, JB. You're among friends, right? Boys and girls. Well, friends today, J b is going to read from the Bible. We love reading the Bible, boys and girls because that's where God tells us how we should be kind toward others. Love one another and play nicely on the playground. Our special guest is going to read Genesis 11 through five. Are you ready, JB? Yes. Okay. It's all yours. In the pathetic that created the Evans at Earth that the Earth was without form and forth Doctors waas upon the face of the spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters and got left. Yeah, the light enter white Slight Gotta said that the light was good and got the fighting. The light from the darkness Got that call. Delighted. I have the darkness He called night. They saw the evening and the morning. Where the first day. That was incredible, JB. Uh, thank you. You did an outstanding job reading the Bible, JB. Well, boys and girls, all of us would like the thing, JB, for reading the Bible for us today. Remember to read your Bible every day. Bye bye for now And have a great day.
Characters, Cartoon, Deep, Friendly, Soothing, Warm, North American (General)