Justin Young - Hopeful, Inspiring, Warm

Video Narration


This is a spot for an American farming company that showcases warmth, inspiration, and hope.

Vocal Characteristics



Voice Age

Middle Aged (35-54)


North American (General) North American (US General American - GenAM)


Note: Transcripts are generated using speech recognition software and may contain errors.
What if you could just make all of the challenges go away? We realized there's a lot at stake and your decisions don't get easier. You need success this season, and to do that you're farmers to be profitable. It's difficult to know where to invest first every year, but your farm and family's future depend on it. We believe it shouldn't be that hard to figure out where to get started and that a profitable operation is possible. Most important season to think about right now is this one. That's why we've created the 200 acre Precision Technology Institute, a resource for growers from around the world to come and learn from over 50 test plots. It's while he's catalogued over 12 million corn plants, created a library of hundreds of soils and individually weighed 20,000 germinating seeds. Whether you're just beginning to monitor your equipment performance or fine tuning their equipment to the unique variables of your farm, we're here to help talk to one of our dealers. This is your year to know that you're doing the best you possibly can for your farm, your future and your family